Lets talk about fear for a moment. You know, fear might be our most resistant four letter word. The acronym we often hear is "False Evidence Appearing Real" or my favorite when I'm making jokes about it is "Find the Exit And Run!" But the one that I find most useful, is to break it down into those four letters, starting with "F" of course, which is "Find and Face the Fear". What am I really feeling, identify maybe the fear that is under the fear because sometimes there is something more superficial on top and when I dig a bit, I can see something that really has more significance for me. The next thing the "E" to "Embrace the Emotion" Get in touch with how I feel with that fear. Often when I get in touch with the fear, I start to close down, and that really does damage if I can embrace the fear and breath into it, there is amazing power there. The next one of course the "A" which is to "Acknowledge". Acknowledge the little kid inside that really is at the heart of who's experience the fear.
Imagine that little kid saying "Boy, I am scared!" and then breathe into that as I'm saying that phrase to myself, over and over again. Now if I can get in a private spot, like driving down the road in my car and I can say it out loud, so much the better. Most of the time it will be at a place I have to contain the words internally, as I then breathe deeply into "Boy, am I scared" and really acknowledge that, let it in. And then finally, the "R", is to "Respond" What is the first step that I am going to take in addressing the fear, even a tiny little first step is better than nothing. And now after that "R" come back to the "A" and acknowledge that little kid for taking the first step. "Good for you, look what you just did, congratulations!" Well, there you go.